Here's what I submitted for my in-class midterm on Thursday. We were given a bridge scene already modeled, and were told to add a car model to the scene and create all lights and materials for the scene. Then produce a HD render. I'm not very satisfied with it as I was plagued by computer crashes while I was working on this. So I guess its not too bad for having like 5 major crashes or setbacks. I didnt have time to photoshop seattle in the background before i submitted it to my teacher, but figured I better pretty them up a little now that I had some extra time. I grabbed all the car models my teacher provided so maybe i can get some more practice in on this whole car rendering thing.
Between last night and today I havent been able to keep my hands off of the Wolf. I spent a good hour smoothing many rough areas by hand with a select few paintbrushes and some turpenoid. Before the smoothing out process I actually took every tooth out of his head except the lower mini 4, and replaced them with new baked sculpey. These are more true to the concept I am following for reference. I also spent a good deal of time thinning his mandibles out all over. They where just plain too thick and this was something that became more apparent after I started taking pictures of him. I also have received some critiquing over at the hunters lair by some guys that really know their preds! if you wanna see it there.
I cant get away from clay. Every day I'm finding out I'm getting more and more excited to be finished with the wolf. First because for the sense of accomplishment, second because I litterally have ideas that I'm afraid are going to escape me. I take notes in my phone when I'm on the go to remind me or try and key my brain back in on an idea. But I also carry a Moleskine mini sketchbook with me almost everywhere I take my backpack, So I've been building ideas in that as well until I can get to them. I have more Predator plans in the future like a full 12 or 13'' tall maquette with armor and weapons and some of their masks, but I need to take a break from them for a bit. My next sculpt or two will be interesting. Cant wait to get started on them!!!!